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ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 - WikipediaThe ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes are used in different environments and are also part of other standards. In some cases they are not perfectly implemented.
WIPO World Intellectual Property OrganizationThe world’s number one source for global intellectual property (patents, industrial designs, copyright, trademarks etc.) information, resources, and services.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act - WikipediaDMCA Title III modified section 117 of the copyright title so that those repairing computers could make certain temporary, limited copies while working on a computer. It reversed the precedent set in MAI Systems Corp. v.
Karimullah Adeni Karimullah AdeniRead all of the posts by Karimullah Adeni on Karimullah Adeni
Samsung Electronics - WikipediaIn the 1980s and early 1990s, Samsung sold personal computers under the Leading Technology brand. However, the equipment was manufactured by Samsung, and the FCC filings from this period typically refer to Samsung produc
News - Motion Picture AssociationWe are proud to work every day to support the creators who make our world’s most exciting stories come to life. Stay up to date on our work and the latest news on the people who drive the global creative economy.
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The U.S. #1 Trademark Search and Registration Service | Trademark ETrademarkElite provides online trademark search tool, and is the largest trademark search site. File and register your trademark to protect your business name or product name. Applying to register a trademark is simple
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